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Technische database problemen

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Oorzaken waarom een database beschadigd (corruption) kan raken:

Een onderbroken schrijf actie (interrupted write operation)
Gebruik in multi-user omgeving
Onjuist afsluiten
Crashen van het systeem of de server
Database is geopend en opgeslagen in een ander programma
Fout of onderbreking in netwerkverbindingen


Nog meer mogelijke foutmeldingen bij een beschadigde database:

"Unrecognized database format" (When your database was operating under your current version of Access before)

 "Enter database password" (when none was set)

 "The Microsoft Jet Database Engine cannot open the file"

 "Visual Basic for Applications Project in This Database Is Corrupt"

 "Unexpected Error 35012"

 An "Invalid Page Fault..." error (not necessarily a corrupt database issue)

 "You do not have the necessary permissions to open this object. Please contact your system administrator."

 [database.mdb] isn't an Index in this table. Look in the index collection of the TableDef object to determine the valid index names

 The Microsoft Jet database engine stopped the process because you and another user are attempting to change the same data at the same time -- 3197

 'Microsoft Access has encountered a problem and needs to close'

 The database 'databasename.mdb' needs to be repaired or isn't a Microsoft Access database file. -- 2239

 Operation failed - too many indexes - reduce the number and try again

 Failure to open/failure to show error

 "Microsoft jet database engine could not find object MSysDB.  Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name correctly and the path name correctly." -- 3011

 "The Microsoft Jet database engine could not find the object MSysCompactError. Make sure the object exists  and that you spell its name correctly and the path name correctly"

 "The Microsoft Jet database engine could not find the object 'databases'. Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and path name correctly."

 "The Microsoft Jet database engine could not find the object 'filename'. Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and the path name correctly. " 

 "Invalid field data type" -- 3259

 "Record(s) can't be read, no read permissions on 'database.mdb'"  -- 3112

 "Could not find field 'xxx'" -- 1017

 "Invalid Bookmark" -- 3159

 This database is in an unrecognized format. The database may have been created with a later version of Microsoft Access than the one you are using. Upgrade your version of Microsoft Access to the current one, then open this database. -- 3343

 "You cannot carry out this action at the present time" -- 2486

 "Record is deleted"

 "The database has been placed in a state by user 'xxx' on machine 'mmm' that prevents it from being opened or locked" -- 3704

 "Needs to be repaired" and "Not a valid password"  (after repairing) -- 2239

 "The database has been placed in an unexpected state." or "This database is in an unexpected state; Microsoft Access can't open it."
"This database is in an unexpected state; Microsoft Access can't open it..  The database has been converted from a prior version of Microsoft Access by using the DOA compact database method instead of the convert database command on the tools menu. This has left the database in an unconverted state."
"This database is in an unexpected state; Microsoft Access can't open it. This database has been converted from a prior version of Microsoft Access by using the DAO CompactDatabase method instead of the Convert Database command on the Tools menu (Database Utilities submenu).  This has left the database in a partially converted state. If you have a copy of the database in its original format, use the Convert Database command on the Tools menu (Database Utilities submenu) to convert it.  IF the original database is no longer available, create a new database and import your tables and queries to preserve your data.  Your other database objects can't be recovered."
-- 2573

 "Disk Error -- Reserved error (-1601)" --3000

 "Table 'TempMSysAccessObjects' already exists."

 "Record(s) cannot be read; no read permission on 'MSysAccessObjects'" or Record(s) cannot be read; no read permission on 'MSysACEs'. -- 3112

 "The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query 'MSysAccessObjects'. Make sure it exists and that its name is spelled correctly." -- 3078

 "Could not use <name>; file already in use. (Error 3045) The specified file is currently being used by another user or session. Wait for the other user or session to finish working with the file, and then try the operation again." -- 3045

 "Operation invalid without current index" -- 3019

 "'database.mdb' isn't an index in this table. Look in the Indexes collection of the TableDef object to determine the valid index names." -- 3015

 "disk or network error" -- 3043

 "Unspecified Error" 

 "The instruction at "0x11111111" referenced memory at "0x22222222". The memory could not be "written"

 The Visual Basic for Applications project in the database is corrupt.

 Error accessing file. Network connection may have been lost. or "This action will reset the current code in break mode."-- 304548

 "Microsoft Access has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."

 "AOIndex is not an index in this table".